Welcome to Cranioplasty Hydraulic Press
Committed to Excellence
Hydraulic Press
The cranioplasty hydraulic press is a unique machine which combines a heavy-duty metal moulding housing machined from a solid metal bar whit a very tight tolerance which allows it to hold up to 80.000 kg force and a high-pressure hydraulic system designed to hold up to 4.350 psi. Application Electrical Supplier Single phase available in three phases 400 volts or single phase 230 volts. Cranioplasty Hydraulic Press Material Working Pressure (bar/psi) Test Pressure (bar/psi) En8 Carbon Steel 1 to 250 / 1 to 3625 300/4350 The combination of both features described above facilitate the cranioplasty process by making it possible to mould plates within minutes. It has a very simple system and training to operate the machine can be delivered in approximately an hour.
Using a CT scan to create a 3d model of the best shape for the implant and ensures the curvature matches that of the surrounding skull.

Get in Touch
Unit 8, Dickens Court
Enterprise Close - Rochester - ME2 4LY